Arlington Heights Civil Union Attorneys
Domestic Partnership Lawyers Serving Hoffman Estates, Palatine, and Cook County

In Illinois, same-sex couples and non-traditional heterosexual couples can legally enter into a civil union under the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act. Because of this legislation, couples that enter into a civil union are granted many of the same legal rights as other married couples in Illinois.
Also, since the passing of the Illinois Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act in 2014, same-sex couples have the same rights as every other married couple. However, federal rights such as the ability to file joint federal taxes are not afforded to same-sex couples in civil unions. In order to understand exactly what your rights are when you enter into a same-sex marriage or civil union, it is important to consult a knowledgeable attorney.
At A. Traub & Associates, we are extensively experienced in working with same-sex couples. We can help you understand both your state and federal rights under the law and help you make the necessary plans for your family.
Domestic Partnership Agreements in Illinois
One way to fill in gaps in the law as it pertains to civil unions is to have a domestic partnership agreement. A domestic partnership agreement can address all of the same rights and responsibilities that are automatically granted to married couples.
Along with your partner, we will work with you to determine how issues such as child custody and support, adoption, estate planning and other family law matters will be handled should the union end. Civil union dissolutions deal with all of the same concerns as a divorce, and domestic partnership agreements, like prenuptial agreements, can help facilitate a swifter and less contentious dissolution.
If you are entering into a civil union or considering a civil union dissolution, contact A. Traub & Associates to discuss your needs. We will work with you to customize a domestic partnership agreement and help you better understand your rights under the new civil union law. From our Arlington Heights office, we serve clients in DuPage, Cook, Kane, and Will Counties.