Lombard Fathers' Rights Attorneys
Family Law Lawyers Help Dads with Custody and Parenting Time Issues in DuPage County

Have you been denied visitation or parenting time with your child? Are you feeling that you are unable to make decisions where your children are concerned? Do you feel you are being unfairly hassled by child support collection agencies?
There is no question many good father's have been taken advantage of by the legal system. Once upon a time it was widely accepted that the main or only breadwinner in the family was the father, and the nurturing caretaker of the children and the home was the mother. So naturally, mothers would get custody of the children in a divorce. Now unless you are watching an episode of "Happy Days" roles in a family have greatly changed. Today more than ever, fathers play an important and equal role in the fostering and nurturing of their children. Like mothers, they too have legal rights when it comes to their child's overall wellbeing. Sometimes fathers require even more vigorous representation because of society's mistaken stereotypes when it comes to father's roles in their families' development and success.
At the Lombard law firm of A. Traub & Associates, we understand the importance of fathers. We offer supportive legal guidance to fathers who want to obtain equal rights to make decisions in their child's upbringing. We have handled a variety of family law cases surrounding divorce and disputes over child custody and support.
Other complicated matters that require a father to obtain his best representation is in questions about paternity and determining who the biological father really is. This issue often presents extra complications in a case. At A. Traub & Associates, we have been successful at protecting fathers from being taken advantage of by the legal system. We help with fathers being denied visitation, outrageous collection proceedings by child support collection departments, and archaic and overreaching child enforcement actions.
If you feel you should be playing a more active role in your child's life, and you have not been getting the rights you deserve then the fathers' rights attorneys at A. Traub & Associates can help. Call 630-426-0196 to schedule an initial consultation today.
Protect Your Parental Rights in DuPage County
As fathers' rights attorneys, we diligently work to show the courts that you are as much involved in your child's life as a mom. We support every effort you make to ensure you remain an active parent with equal standing. We have successfully protected father's parental rights in DuPage, Cook, Kane, and Will Counties, Illinois. If you need help asserting your rights as a parent, we can offer you informative legal counsel.
Contact Us in Lombard
Contact A. Traub & Associates for any legal concerns you may have about fathers' rights or any area of family law. We are open to discussion and will see how we can best address your issues. Call 630-426-0196 to learn more about our services.