Lombard GAL and Child Representative Lawyer
Attorneys Providing Legal Representation for Children in DuPage County Family Law Cases

Ending a long-term relationship is not easy, especially when a couple has children. In divorce and family law cases involving child custody, parents will often disagree about a wide variety of issues, from large-scale decisions about decision-making responsibility and the time children will spend with each parent to more minor issues such as transportation arrangements and rules for communication between parents and children. It can be easy for parents to become caught up in these and other arguments, causing them to lose sight of the most important factor: what is best for their children. In situations where parents find it difficult or impossible to reach agreements about child-related issues, the court may decide that it is necessary to appoint a legal representative for the child or other experts to help resolve these matters.
At A. Traub & Associates, we not only work with divorcing spouses or unmarried parents, but we also serve as court-appointed advocates for children. Our lawyers have the training and experience needed to serve as Guardians ad Litem and Child Representatives. Additionally, Attorney Angel Traub is a certified Parenting Coordinator in contested parenting matters. We work to ensure that children's best interests are protected while helping parents create agreements that will allow them to work together to meet their children's needs in the years following a divorce or breakup.
GALs and Child Representatives
During a divorce or child custody case, parents will be required to create a parenting plan that fully outlines how they will share parental responsibilities and includes a schedule for the parenting time that children will spend with each parent. In cases where parents struggle to reach an agreement on these matters, the court may appoint either a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) or Child Representative who will serve as a legal advocate for the child or children.
A GAL or Child Representative will investigate the case and interview the parents and child or children. They will usually visit both parents' homes, and they may also contact other people involved in the children's lives, such as teachers, doctors, therapists, or extended family members. They may also meet with the parents together to encourage them to reach an agreement on child custody issues. At the conclusion of the investigation, the GAL or Child Representative will provide information to the court regarding how outstanding issues should be resolved in a way that protects the children's best interests. A GAL will provide a report outlining their recommendations, and they may be called as a witness in a trial and be cross-examined by either party's attorney. A Child Representative, on the other hand, may participate in the litigation, motions, and possibly discovery; however, they cannot be called as a witness.
What Is a Parenting Coordinator?
In cases where parents have been unable or unwilling to cooperate to resolve parenting issues, and when mediation has been unsuccessful or inappropriate, a Parenting Coordinator may be appointed. This person will work with the parents to resolve conflict and reach agreements about parenting issues, while also ensuring that they follow court orders. The Parenting Coordinator can provide recommendations to parents about how to resolve their outstanding issues, and they can also help the parents create rules and guidelines for communicating with each other. They may also recommend the use of parenting resources such as parenting classes, therapists, or other professionals. Parents can raise concerns about child-related issues with the Parenting Coordinator, or they may communicate with each other through the Parenting Coordinator, if necessary. The Parenting Coordinator will not have the authority to make decisions about child custody, but they will work with the parents to help them agree on a parenting plan and build a workable relationship as co-parents.
Contact Our Illinois Child Custody Lawyers
The attorneys of A. Traub & Associates can help you resolve legal issues related to your children. With our experience serving as Child Representatives and Guardians ad Litem, we understand how these matters are addressed in family court, and we can provide recommendations for how parents can work together to provide for their children's best interests. We can also provide Parenting Coordinator services, helping parents establish a relationship that will allow them to resolve disagreements while protecting their children at all times. To learn how we can help with your case, contact us today at 630-426-0196.