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Do I Need a Payable-on-Death Account in My Illinois Estate Plan?
When you are ready to work on your estate plan, you might discover many options you never heard of before. Wills and trusts are important features that many people are aware of, but there are other ways you can plan for the future that might be relevant to you as well. One aspect of some Illinois estate plans that is less commonly known is called a payable-on-death (POD) account.
This valuable tool allows you to transfer assets directly to named beneficiaries without going through probate. POD accounts can simplify the transfer of certain assets, and a qualified Illinois estate planning lawyer can explain their benefits, limitations, and potential impact on your broader estate plan.
What Is a Payable-on-Death Account?
A payable-on-death POD account is a financial account that allows the account holder to designate one or more beneficiaries who will receive the funds in that account when the holder dies. POD accounts can be checking, savings, or certificate of deposit (CD) accounts. The named beneficiary has no access to or control over the account until the holder’s death.
How Are Social Security Benefits Impacted by Gray Divorce?
Gray divorce – the term describing divorce that happens later in life – presents unique financial challenges, including how to address Social Security benefits. Divorce can affect Social Security income for older adults in Illinois and it is crucial to understand your options for protecting your financial future. An experienced Illinois divorce lawyer who has guided older clients through this process can help ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to.
What to Know About Social Security Benefits After Divorce
Social Security benefits are governed by federal law, so the rules are the same across all states, including Illinois. However, it can still be challenging to navigate these rules during a divorce. Here is what you need to know:
What Can Make My Handwritten Will Valid in Illinois?
Many of us have seen someone on TV or in a movie scrawling their last will and testament on a bar napkin. But would something like that actually hold up in court?
In Illinois, there are specific requirements for a will to be considered valid. If you have found yourself scribbling instructions for the future and you are not sure whether that means you have left clear instructions, a qualified Illinois estate planning lawyer can help you ensure that your final wishes are honored.
Are Handwritten Wills Valid in Illinois?
In Illinois, handwritten wills, officially known as holographic wills, are only legally recognized if they meet the state’s strict standard will requirements for a valid will under state law. According to the Illinois Probate Act, a will can only be legally valid if:
Why Should My Parenting Time Consider My Children’s Ages?
When parents divorce in Illinois, they must file a parenting plan with the court. This comprehensive legal document outlines parental responsibilities, a parenting time schedule, and several other guidelines that address your children’s needs and best interests. Customizing your parenting time schedule is very important.
Some lawyers do not take the time to understand your family’s dynamic, preferring to use generic parenting time arrangements. Our skilled Lombard, IL parenting time attorneys always tailor your plans to meet your and your children’s needs.
Why Do I Need a Custom Parenting Time Schedule?
Whether you have one shared child or several, each is unique. Your parenting time schedule should reflect their individual needs. If there is a significant difference in your children’s ages or if one of them has special needs, you may want to consider setting a different schedule for each child because:
Three Things Often Overlooked in Estate Planning
Drafting your estate plan can be difficult for many reasons. It can take an emotional toll as it is natural for people not to want to dwell on their death or a hypothetical situation when they become incapacitated. It can also be challenging to sort through everything you own and decide what should go where after you are gone.
However, many people overcome their apprehension and manage to create a clear estate plan because the benefits cannot be denied. If you have children or loved ones, having all your wishes and instructions in an orderly manner can make everything go much smoother. They also have the peace of mind that comes from knowing they are doing what you would have wanted without needing to guess, argue, and stress over it. A comprehensive estate plan addresses every question that could arise. While many people know about wills and trusts, there are many aspects of estate planning that often go overlooked. To ensure that your estate plan is comprehensive, speak with a skilled Illinois estate planning attorney.
How Can I Prove Parental Alienation is Happening to Me?
Divorce for parents can be a complicated emotional process to go through. It can be hard to filter out information for your children so they understand the facts of what is happening without feeling the need to take sides. Unfortunately, some parents can be vindictive during their divorce and purposely turn their child against the other parent. Illinois courts take this very seriously, even going so far as to consider it a form of child abuse. If you think you might be a victim of parental alienation, speak with a seasoned Illinois family law attorney who can explain how these concerns can be addressed legally.
Two Main Reasons to Avoid Intestacy in Illinois
Whenever someone dies without leaving behind an enforceable will, intestacy laws apply to anything in their estate. Leaving inheritance and other matters up for the state to decide often has unintended consequences, delays, and disadvantages for surviving family members. There are several ways a valid will can prevent that from happening. A knowledgeable Illinois estate planning lawyer can explain the drawbacks of intestacy laws and help you draft a will you can be comfortable with.
Reason #1: Decision-Making
Who Gets Your Assets?
If you die without leaving a valid will, you are not voicing your wishes for how your assets should be divided. The power to make those decisions is transferred to the state.
The Illinois Probate Act has guidelines for such situations: if you have a spouse and children when you die, assets are split equally among them, with your spouse receiving one half and the other half divided by any children; if you do not have a wife or children, your assets might go to your parents, siblings, or even more distant relatives, depending on your specific situation; if the state cannot locate any eligible heirs, your estate could go through the escheat process and be claimed by the state of Illinois.
Should My Ex and I Use Co-Parenting Apps?
There is no question that we are living in a technological revolution, with new apps popping up every day to address challenges and help make our daily routines run smoother. It is natural for many people to fear change and be slow to adapt, but some of these apps have managed to streamline parts of life that were previously the sources of stress and tension. One surprising area where technology has developed to meet modern needs is co-parenting for divorced parents.
Ex-spouses often need to engage in a great deal of communication and coordination when they have children. With so much to juggle, including custody schedules, school events, and medical appointments, co-parenting apps are meant to help parents stay on top of everything they need to do and know. While many have advantages and disadvantages alike, a knowledgeable Illinois divorce lawyer can help you understand whether they might be a good fit for you and your ex.
What is the Difference Between a Health Care Directive and a Living Will?
Health care directives and living wills are two important documents that address health care decisions. However, they serve distinct purposes and play different roles in an estate plan. If you are considering how you would like to plan for the future, speak with a knowledgeable Illinois estate planning lawyer about how these differ and why you may want to consider both.
What is a Health Care Directive?
A health care directive is the general term for any legal document that includes instructions for your medical care and typically includes several aspects. You can designate a health care agent or proxy who can make decisions for you if you become incapacitated — whether permanently or temporarily — and cannot make or communicate the decisions for yourself. This is someone you need to trust will make choices about medical care based on your preferences, and can advocate for you in end-of-life situations.
How Much Say Do Illinois Kids Have In Their Custody?
One of the biggest concerns for parents going through a divorce is how they will continue raising their children when they are no longer married to each other. It can be extremely difficult and stressful for parents to decide what type of custody arrangement works for them. As with all decisions that impact a child, several factors are considered but the highest priority is on what would be in the child’s best interest.
What happens when the child expresses a strong preference? Will the court rule based on what the child wants? To understand how much influence your child can have on your custody arrangement, speak with a qualified Illinois family law attorney.
How Is the Child’s Best Interest Determined?
Illinois courts make custody-related decisions based on what they find to be in the child’s best interests. To determine this, the judge considers several factors, including: