DuPage County Child Support Lawyers
Attorneys for Child Support Matters in Lombard, Illinois

At A. Traub & Associates, we know how hard life can be for single and divorced parents. We also believe that every child should receive proper care and the support of both parents, regardless of the relationship between the adults. Whether you are seeking child support to help you raise your child or you are being required to make payments, we are ready and willing to help protect your rights while looking out for your child's needs.
Compassionate Lawyers Who Understand Changes to the Law
Historically, Illinois law decreed that child support payments be calculated using a formula based on the supporting parent’s income and the number of children to be supported. In July 2017, a new law went into effect that revamped child support calculations completely.
Under the new Illinois child support law, instead of using a set percentage of one parent’s income, the courts will calculate the total amount needed to care for the children based on the parents’ combined net income. These costs will then be distributed between the parents, considering factors like parenting responsibilities (formerly known as custody), parenting time (visitation), and each parent’s individual net income.
The new law is intended to provide better protection for the best interests of the child, but it leaves much room for disagreement, which can lead to litigation over factors that affect child support calculations. Our experienced attorneys realize that this calculation is often just a starting point, and your family's unique circumstances should be carefully considered.
Other Child Support Factors
The guidelines provided in the law are fairly clear, but there are frequently disputes over particular elements of a family's situation. These may include:
- How net income has been calculated or determined;
- A parent's income and ability to earn additional income;
- Each parent's parental responsibilities and financial contributions toward the child's needs;
- Your child's educational or medical needs; and
- Your child's participation in extracurricular activities.
We understand that a drawn-out court battle over child support is not ideal, and we are equipped to help you and the other parent work together in providing for your child. With our help, you may be able to draft an agreement that meets the requirements of the court without the messy process of litigation.
Modifications of Child Support Orders
If you are already paying or receiving child support, but the existing order no longer matches your family's situation, it may be time to consider a modification. In some cases, the need for a modification develops slowly, as your child grows and his or her needs change. In others, it may be more sudden, caused by the loss of a job, or a serious illness. Whatever the case may be, the hardworking lawyers at A. Traub & Associates are here to provide you with responsible legal guidance and advice.
Appointments Available
When you have questions about child support under Illinois law, contact A. Traub & Associates. We have the skill and experience to assist you no matter what challenges your case may present. Call 630-426-0196 today to schedule a confidential consultation. From offices in Lombard and Arlington Heights, we are proud to serve clients in and around DuPage, Kane, Will, and Cook Counties.