DuPage County Divorce Attorney for First Responders
Lawyer Assisting With Divorce Cases Involving Police Officers, Firefighters, and EMTs in Wheaton, IL
Being a first responder can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also affect a person's life in a variety of unexpected ways. Firefighters, police officers, paramedics, and their spouses often have a unique lifestyle and work schedule that can impact their relationships. When these or other concerns lead to the breakdown of a marriage, first responders and their spouses may need to address some unique issues during divorce process.
At A. Traub & Associates, several of our attorneys and staff members have spouses or other family members who are firefighters, paramedics, or police officers, and we understand the issues that can affect first responders and their families. We can offer the support and legal help you need, and we will work with you to resolve your legal concerns during the divorce process.
Practical and Financial Issues During Divorce
First responders and their spouses will need to address many of the same issues as other couples when getting divorced, including the division of marital property, spousal maintenance, child custody (allocation of parental responsibilities), and child support. However, they may need to address certain types of unique concerns, including determining how to handle regular parenting time and holidays when a person has a work schedule that changes regularly.
When creating a parenting plan, spouses in these cases will likely need to be flexible. There are some realities that often come with the job, such as residency requirements, shift picking hierarchies, and shift forcebacks that should be addressed in a first responder’s parenting plan. They should allow for changes to the time children will spend with a parent based on when they will be required to work, while including provisions for what will happen if a parent must work at unexpected times. At A. Traub & Associates we have a unique familiarity with these concerns and can offer insight and guidance not only on creative solutions, but advocating for the need for this flexibility in court if necessary.
Another issue that is often of importance to first responders during a divorce is how to divide their pension and other retirement benefits. While a police officer or firefighter may not begin receiving these benefits until many years after their divorce, their ex-spouse will likely be entitled to receive a certain portion of the payments, depending on how long they were married while working in a pension-eligible position. In Illinois, police and fire pensions are operated through various state and local pension systems, and when dividing these pension benefits between divorcing spouses, a Qualified Illinois Domestic Relations Order (QILDRO) must be created.
Contact Our Lombard First Responder Divorce Lawyers
If you or your spouse are a firefighter, paramedic or EMT, or police officer, our compassionate, dedicated attorneys can provide you with the guidance and representation you need during your divorce. We will help you understand your rights, and we will work with you to reach a resolution that will protect your relationship with your children and your financial interests. Contact us today at 630-426-0196. From our offices in Lombard and Arlington Heights, we serve clients in DuPage, Kane, Will, and Cook Counties, including Oak Brook, Downers Grove, Glen Ellyn, and Glendale Heights.