A hardworking wife could mean you're headed for divorce, study suggests.
In the midst of all the far-fetched theories of omens and signs that your marriage is headed for a divorce, a U.K. study found that there is a possibility that some wives are literally working their way towards a divorce. For once, you are going to read about a sign that does not include a husband working suspiciously hard at the gym or a wife&s new enthusiastic approach to tennis. This new theory comes from a study conducted in the United Kingdom that suggests women whose marriages are about fail spend more time working. Aol. did a story on this discovery.
The study, conducted by the London School of Economics and Political Science, suggests that for a 1% increase of their marriage failing, women put in 12 more minutes of work in a week. Berkay Ozcan with his co-researches based the study on statistics from before and after the 1996 legalization of divorce in Ireland. The main idea was to compare women&s participation in the workforce before and after the legalization of divorce.
Non-religious married women increased their working hours by 18% after divorce became legal, the study found. Religious women were used as a comparison, and they seemed unaffected by the change in divorce law.
Dr. Ozcan said that it can be seen from their results that women who are thinking of divorce work more hours.
Increased working hours did not lead to a decrease in time spent on childcare, Ozcan added.
When you are planning to file for divorce, whatever your working hours are, you need an experienced divorce attorney on your side. Divorce can be overwhelming, but with a dedicated attorney, it can be less uncomfortable. Contact our Arlington Heights and Lombard, Illinois divorce attorneys today.