The Advantages of a Living Will in Protecting Your Interests
It is never easy for one to think about the end of their life, and preparing a living will can feel unsettling as it stirs up a mixture of emotions. Despite the unpleasant nature of the subject, a living will can actually be a very useful and powerful tool when it comes to protecting your best interests, in turn offering a sense of peace of mind. Knowing you have addressed your wishes, boundaries, and directives regarding your health, property, and finances can give you a sense of accomplishment and make things easier for your loved ones.
How Does a Living Will Benefit Me?
In the state of Illinois, there are two kinds of power of attorney: one that covers health care and personal issues, and one that covers the management of property. Similar to these documents, a living will is an advance directive that also serves a specific purpose. It exists to allow a person who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness to express their desire to have death-delaying procedures withheld or withdrawn in the event they cannot speak for themselves.
Any resident of Illinois who is 18 years of age or older may execute a living will. Ideally, you prepare one long before you expect anything to happen to you, so if or when the time comes that you do become ill, your doctors, friends, and family understand your wishes and are able to carry them out on your behalf. A living will gives you a voice, allowing you to have a say over your health care preferences.
Using a Living Will to Your Advantage
Your living will is created to serve two very important purposes: First, it will free your friends and family of the burden of having to make healthcare decisions for you, should you be unable to make them yourself. Secondly, it will ensure your rights and wishes are respected and upheld in the event you become sick. Use your living will to your advantage by preparing one early and providing as many descriptive details as possible to express your personal wishes in regards to your health and well-being. Consult with an attorney to cover all the important bases and to ensure you do not miss anything of significance.
A professional DuPage County estate planning attorney can provide you with the guidance and information you need to prepare an effective, solid living will. Call A. Traub & Associates at 630-426-0196 (Lombard) or 847-749-4182 (Arlington Heights) for a consultation today.