The Benefits of Divorce
Making the decision to divorce can be one of the hardest decisions a person has to make. A couple at this crossroads has usually struggled for years trying to make their marriage work. It can be even more heartbreaking if there are children involved.
The aftermath of divorce can feel as if a death has occurred. In a way it has – the death of the marriage. This can leave a person dealing with all kinds of emotions, ranging from grief to sadness to anger. But there is also, many times, relief felt that the person can move forward.
In fact, research has shown that for women, once they move past the grieving stage, they are actually much happier for at least the five years following their divorce, often more content than they had ever been in their lives.
Another benefit to being divorce is to a person’s health. Studies show that being in an unhappy marriage can have serious side-effects to your health. All the tension and conflict can leave a person with increased risks for cancer, heart disease, depression, arthritis and diabetes.
Multiple studies have shown that although there can be effects left on children of divorce, it is much more emotionally healthier for them to not live in a household where there is constant fighting and arguing between their parents. Divorce can also teach children that everyone deserves to be in a happy, supportive relationship.
Going through a bad marriage and divorce can also open the door for future happiness in a second marriage. A study conducted by the Marriage Foundation determined that although 45 percent of first marriages end in divorce, only 31 percent of second marriages do. Couples entering a second marriage have the benefit of experience and have usually considered the pros and cons of remarrying.
If you are thinking about filing for divorce, contact an experienced Arlington Heights family law attorney to find out what legal options you may have.