Can I Legally Adopt an Adult in Illinois?
When you think of adoption, chances are that you envision a situation in which a child in need is welcomed into a home and family that will love and care for them. It is true that most adoptions involve a child under the age of 18, but in Illinois, it is also legal to adopt an adult under certain circumstances. This process may not only cement a family relationship that the adopter and adoptee already feel on an emotional level, it can also provide the adoptee with important benefits under Illinois law.
When Can an Adult Be Adopted?
According to Illinois law, a person over the age of 18 can be adopted by someone who is related to him or her, such as a step-parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, cousin, or sibling, or by someone with whom the person has lived for at least two consecutive years. If you wish to adopt an adult and you meet one or both of these criteria, you can file a petition with the local county court to do so at any time. Unlike with the adoption of a child, you will usually not be required to undergo a home investigation, nor will you need to obtain the consent of the adoptee’s current legal parents. Rather, you will only need to be sure that the adoptee himself or herself consents to being adopted.
Benefits of an Adult Adoption
You may feel that solidifying your relationship with someone whom you consider to be your parent or child is reason enough to go through with an adult adoption, but there are other tangible benefits for the adoptee as well. These include:
Inheritance rights: A person who is adopted as an adult is granted all of the legal rights associated with a parent-child relationship, including the ability to inherit after the adopted parents pass away. The adoptee may also be entitled to the adopter’s life insurance and other benefits.
Health insurance coverage: In the United States, people under the age of 26 can still be covered under their parents’ health insurance policy. Adult adoption can ensure that an adoptee within this age range has access to the benefits he or she needs.
Care for special needs: An adult who has special needs may also be eligible for benefits through his or her adoptive parents, which can be crucial to help cover the costs of long-term care.
Contact a Lombard, IL Adult Adoption Lawyer
Although an adult adoption may in some ways be simpler than the adoption of a minor, the assistance of an experienced adoption attorney can still be valuable given the unique aspects of the process. At A. Traub & Associates, we will work to ensure that your adult adoption process goes according to plan and that the adoptee has access to the benefits to which he or she is entitled. Contact our skilled DuPage County family law attorneys today at 630-426-0196.