Should You Change Your Name Back after Divorce?
Almost every divorce brings with it a large number of important concerns, including child custody, visitation, child support, and division of marital property. Other considerations may not seem quite so critical, but can have a larger-than-expected impact on the life of a divorcing individual. As a woman going through a divorce, you may be, in fact, dealing with one of these issues in particular. Specifically, you may be wondering if changing your name back to your maiden name after divorce is a good idea.
The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage act provides the opportunity to restore a previous name, including a maiden name, for any woman whose marriage is dissolved under law. According to the statute, such a provision may be included in the divorce decree upon her request. Although the legal process of changing your name is not terribly difficult, deciding whether or not to do so is an entirely different matter.
There is no right or wrong answer when it comes changing your name. There is only what is right for each person. Many women, however, consider many similar issues in their decision-making process, including:
- Kids: Many mothers would prefer to keep the same last name as their children, while others feel no such obligation. With remarriages becoming more common, and other social changes, a mother having a different last name is no longer very unusual.
- Name association: Keeping your married name may not allow you to mentally move on from the marriage, which is certainly understandable. On the other hand, you may have a more positive association with your married name than your maiden name, depending on your own life experiences.
- Professional identity: If you were married for a significant amount of time and established yourself as a known entity in a particular field or industry under your married name, changing your name back may cause some confusion. This may not be your only concern, but for many women, it certainly factors into their decision.
- Comfort level: After a period of time, your married name may have become part of who you are. Friends, co-workers, and your community will often get to know you as an individual rather than just your husband’s wife. You may be more comfortable simply keeping the name, and moving forward. However, you may decide that a new start is exactly what you need, and changing your name can offer one way to do that.
The decision over changing your name is one that is very personal, and one that you must make for yourself. Whatever your reasons, you should do what you believe is best for you and your situation.
If you are considering a divorce, the compassionate legal team at A. Traub & Associates can assist you throughout the process. Contact an experienced Lombard divorce attorney today. We will meet with you to help you understand your needs and begin working toward a more positive future.