Child Custody in Illinois
Posted on June 25, 2013 in Divorce
Although child custody cases come about because of issues that arise with the parents, the most important thing in the case is still the child. Every step taken by the courts is taken according to what the courts believe is in the best interests of the child.
Even after a
custody arrangement has been decided by the court, though, changes may still occur.

It is possible that a child may decide that he or she wants to live with the other parent. However, this is not enough of a reason for the custody to be rearranged. In order the change the custody, the court must be shown that doing so is better for the welfare of the child. Often times, showing that the child is not doing well with his or her current custodial parent is enough to switch the custody.
Another situation that may bring about a custodial change is if the custodial parents dies or is sent to prison. If a death occurs, usually the other parent will automatically get custody. If the custodial parent is incarcerated he or she cannot interfere with the other parent getting custody of the child, but he or she can make emergency temporary arrangements for the care of the child. In either case, of both death and incarceration, the other parent will most likely get custody.
Another factor that may change the custody of a child is if a custodial parent behaves inappropriately in a way that affects the well-being of the child. If anything that the parent does affects his or her relationship with the child, that is also a reason for a change in the custody agreement.
If you have reason to believe that your child could benefit from a different custody arrangement, contact a Lombard family law attorney for assistance.
Angel Traub and Associates in Lombard, Ill. can help you fight for the custody of your child today.
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