Children of Divorce Less Likely to Attend Church as Adults
A recent Chicago Tribune article details the results of a new study about children of divorce and their future religious habits. The data overwhelmingly shows that adults who experienced their parents divorcing during their childhoods are much less likely to attend church or worship regularly in the future. In fact, children of intact marriages were twice as likely to attend church than children of divorce, even where the divorce was amicable and relatively stress-free.
Although this phenomenon is quite common, according to the study, religious leaders have largely overlooked this reason for an overall decline in church attendance and participation, particularly in Protestant churches. Another reason for the lack of attendance on the part of children of divorce might be to their perceived isolation or lack of understanding by other church members during the time period in which their parents divorced. Some scholars believe that if churches and church leaders were more aware of the link between divorce and church attendance, it is an issue that could be addressed and remedied. According to one pastor, churches can improve their responses to families in the midst of divorce simply by reaching out to these families, both adults and children, in order to better understand and meet their needs. If a church actively helps and supports family members through a difficult time, future church attendance may become more attractive to children when they become adults if they recall support and caring by church leaders during their time of crisis.
People going through divorces may benefit not only from emotional and spiritual support, but also from the legal, financial, and practical support of skilled Arlington Heights divorce attorneys. When you have concrete information that can assist you in making these crucial decisions, you will place yourself in the best position possible to achieve your goals. Whether you are in the midst of a divorce or simply contemplating divorce as an option, our office can provide you with the support that you need at the time that you need it most.