Common Mistakes When Selecting a Divorce Attorney and How to Avoid Them
Few couples get married with the expectation that the marriage will end in a divorce. Unfortunately, however, marriages all too often do end in divorce. Sometimes, a couple may delay getting divorced because they fear the process will be too difficult and upsetting to bear. While this sentiment is understandable, the process does not need to be terrible.
The start of the divorce process begins when you select your attorney. For this blog, we will discuss mistakes people often make when choosing the attorney to represent them in their divorce. We will also discuss how to avoid making these mistakes. While you are not required to retain the services of an attorney when getting divorced, you are strongly advised to hire an attorney to ensure your rights are protected and the process is completed lawfully.
What to Do and Not Do When Selecting a Divorce Attorney
The first mistake people make when hiring an attorney is failing to do enough research before making a selection. The law firm the attorney works for, their reputation, payment structure, and experience are all factors that must be considered when selecting a divorce attorney. To ensure this does not happen to you, try to obtain as many referrals as possible while asking other lawyers about a specific attorney or law firm. By cross-referencing the information you receive and getting a bigger picture, you will be better positioned to make a wiser decision.
Another mistake people make when selecting an attorney is picking solely based on how much they charge. It is no secret that attorneys can be a significant portion of the cost of the divorce process. According to Forbes, the average divorce price is between $15,000 and $20,000. While an attorney who charges very little money may be able to produce excellent results, this is only sometimes the case. It is risky basing your entire decision on their fees. Again, do your research and compare prices to avoid making this blunder.
Divorce or the prospect of divorce can bring a lot of strong emotions to the forefront of one’s psyche. As a result, when you start meeting with lawyers to see which one will best serve you, you may go into the initial consultation upset or with a hazy mind. If possible, consider bringing a trusted friend or family member to the initial consultation with the attorney. They may be able to help you with details you would have otherwise forgotten if you are feeling highly stressed. Taking notes, making lists of questions you want to ask, and writing each attorney’s responses will help you remain organized and clear-minded.
Contact a DuPage County Divorce Attorney
Do not feel like you need to go about getting a divorce all on your own. Attorneys are there to help guide you through this difficult time. If you are getting a divorce and are interested in retaining the services of a compassionate attorney, contact the Lombard divorce lawyers with A. Traub & Associates. Call 630-426-0196 for a comprehensive consultation.