Common Paternity Testing Concerns
When a person is in a situation in which he or she does not know the father of a child, many questions and concerns arise. Although the mother is more likely to know who the father is, she may not always know, and a father may not believe that he is or is not the father.
A simple fix to the solution is to get a paternity test. Some parents choose to do this before the child is born and others choose to wait until after the birth. Sometimes, parents just choose to believe that someone is the father even though they are not completely sure. Once a test is complete, though, many people still have questions.
The American Pregnancy Association took the time to answer a few questions about paternity tests:
How much will establishing paternity cost, including the test and any other expenses?
There are many types of paternity tests available, so this questions strongly depends on the type of test, but they can range anywhere from $400 to $2,000. Tests done before the baby is born tend to be more costly because of the hospital and doctor fees.
Where can I get more information and locations at which paternity testing is available?
As with any other medical procedure, you should shop around before choosing a doctor or location to perform your paternity test. There are DNA and paternity testing locations all over the country, but be sure the one you choose is accredited by the AABB.
Do DNA test results hold up in court?
This also depends on the type of test that you choose to do. Many facilities have less expensive tests that can be done for curiosity-sake, but they are not valid in a court of law. These facilities usually offer more expensive tests as well, however, that are valid in court. It is typically suggested that the more expensive, court-approved test is done on the chance that the test may be needed in court in the future.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding paternity or paternity testing, contact a family law attorney for assistance. An attorney at Angel Traub and Associates can help you with your testing in Lombard, Ill. today.