Considering a Divorce in Illinois? Important Questions to Ask Yourself
Thinking about ending your marriage can be a devastating undertaking. Your marriage vows promised that both of you would commit your lives to each other. However, one day you may realize that you are unhappy in the marriage, or not able to connect with or find joy in being with your partner. It is important to remember that you are not a failure; people change as they develop in their careers and other parts of their life. In some cases, one partner’s actions can damage the marriage beyond the hope of reconciliation. Sometimes, the healthiest option for both parties is to consider a divorce.
Emotionally Healthy Living Environments Are Important for Children
Although staying together for the children is a tempting reason to remain married, this can lead to stressful interactions and potential bitterness among family members. Living in a family environment that harbors shouting, hostile feelings, and manipulation on a regular basis is extremely damaging to both the adults and children involved. In situations where domestic violence is present (physical, emotional, sexual, or psychological abuse, financial manipulation, etc), it is critical to seek help immediately.
Life Transitions Will Impact Marriages
As life transitions are made, individual personalities change, and this generally impacts personal relationships and intimate partnerships such as marriage. Consider these questions to gain a better understanding of how you may be feeling in your marriage currently.
- Do I appreciate my spouse and their opinions?
- Am I able to relate to my partner?
- Would I be happier if they weren’t in my life?
- Do I find enjoyment in being around my spouse?
- Is communicating in a respectful way or working together difficult?
- Do we have very different opinions on fundamental aspects in life, for example: how we manage money, religious beliefs, or political ideals?
Some couples may decide to pursue marital counseling to work on their relationship. If both parties find common ground despite their differences and disagreements, this can be a viable option. During counseling, plans to work together can be devised to ensure a more productive relationship. Unfortunately, in some cases counseling is not a cure and separation or divorce may be unavoidable. If you are considering a separation or divorce and would like more information please contact A. Traub & Associates today for a consultation with a Kane County family law attorney.