Divorce Advice for Women
Divorce is a tough process for anyone. After all, no one gets married with the intent to someday divorce. Women sometimes experience different challenges during divorce than men do. There is no perfect way to end your marriage, but there are some things you can do to minimize your stress and help the process go more smoothly.
Take Care of Your Needs
Women often put other’s wants before their own. Wives and mothers are sometimes so busy looking after others that they rarely stop to think about their own needs. According to the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory, getting divorced is the second-most stressful life even a person can experience. Only the death of a spouse is considered to be a more stressful life event. During this time, it is important to charge your emotional battery. Whether that means going to the spa, out to lunch with friends, or sitting in your own backyard with a good book, do not be afraid to take time to de-stress while your divorce is ongoing.
Fight for Your Rights
Women are more likely than men to be the lower-earning spouse during a divorce. If you have made less money than your spouse throughout the marriage, you may be entitled to receive spousal maintenance or child support payments. Do not allow your spouse to misrepresent the financial situation in your marriage in order to pay less. Make sure you are fully in the loop when it comes to income, expenses, bank accounts, and debt. Only when you are informed of the total financial picture can you know what is rightfully yours.
Consider and Plan for Your Future Expenses Now
After a divorce, each spouse must live as a single person. For some women, this means reentering the workforce after years of absence or suddenly needing to make ends meet on your income alone. It is important that you start to plan for these things. If you plan to move out and get a new home after the divorce, you will need to know how to finance this. Start saving as soon as possible and consider talking to a financial advisor about how best to transition to single life.
Do Not Be Afraid to Ask for Help
Even though the stigma of being a divorced woman is largely a thing of the past, some women feel guilty or embarrassed about getting divorced. They choose to isolate themselves instead of reaching out to friends and family members during this time. While it is possible that not everyone will agree with your decision to end your marriage, those who are your true friends will support you. Do not be afraid to take your friend’s and family’s offers to help.
A. Traub & Associates is not like other law firms. Our attorneys are tough, experienced legal advocates that also have the compassion and empathy to make our clients feel comfortable. To learn more about how we can help you and your family, contact a knowledgeable Lombard family lawyer at our office by calling 630-426-0196 today.