Divorce Rate in Golden Years has Doubled
It used to be almost unheard of to hear of couples being divorced once they have stayed together long enough to raise their own children and have grandchildren. However, according to a report in the Chicago Tribune, the rate of divorce among people over the age of 50 has doubled over the last 20 years.
According to recent studies, back in 1990 only 1 in 10 couples over the age of 50 were getting divorced. However today, that number has risen to 1 in 4. There are several contributing factors that this same study revealed.
The biggest reason for divorces remains the same among all age groups; finances. Many people hang on to their marriage in hopes that retirement will bring a better chance of stability and when it does not, they are ready to throw in the towel.
Another point is that divorce is not as stigmatized today as it was in the past. With the commonality of divorce, there are just fewer bad things to be said and many people are more understanding of divorce. Many couples choose to stay together for the sake of their children. Some of these very couples choose to divorce after the children are grown up and leave the home. The marriage was over for years so they decide that it is time to make it official.
If you are seeking a divorce after being married for many years, your needs will be a bit different than a couple who divorces at a young age. An experienced Chicago area divorce attorney can assess your situation and your needs. There will be questions regarding spousal support, division of assets and accounts as well as other issues. Your attorney can answer all of those questions for you. Your attorney will also handle matters that you may not even realize are important. Contact your lawyer today so that you can determine the best course of action.