The Divorce Season: January through March
If the holidays have left your relationship feeling strained, and you find yourself considering your options, even has named January as "Divorce Month."
According to statistics, the number of couples who file for divorce tends to spike after New Year’s Day, gradually increasing through the spring until reaching a peak in March. According to psychiatrist Mark Banschick, this is because the start of the new year represents a time of introspection and self-evaluation, where people often examine their lives and relationships. It also represents a time of change for many, and many couples choose to begin thinking of changing their relationship status at this time.
Still, many couples prefer to wait until after Valentine’s Day to actually file. This may because they hope the day of romance will provide a ray of hope for their relationship, or because it takes time to secure all of the necessary funding and paperwork that will be necessary during a divorce proceeding. There also seems to be a general desire to wait until the holiday season is over, so as not to appear heartless by filing for a divorce right before Christmas. Other couples prefer to wait for a time when children of the relationship are settled back into a school routine before filing in the hopes that it will make the transition a bit easier.
There may also be a financial reason for waiting until January to file. December is often the time of the year when employment bonuses are issued, and these funds can be claimed as an asset during a divorce proceeding. It also avoids any complications for tax filings for the previous year.
If you are considering filing for divorce, and you feel like now might be the right time to do it, it is important you do not attempt to navigate the legal system on your own. Contact a qualified Illinois divorce attorney today who can help you with your case, and ensure your transition from married to single status is as smooth as possible.