Does Empty Nest Syndrome Cause Divorce?
Whether you call it empty nest syndrome or a mid-life crisis, many couples struggle when their children leave home and they go back to their previous “empty house” lifestyle. This life change can be a tough adjustment since a parent has gotten used to having their child living under their roof for 18+ years. Spouses are used to focusing on their child’s schedule and activities. This can make an empty house feel lonely and uncomfortable, sometimes so much so that divorce enters the equation.
What is Empty Nest Syndrome?
Although it is not technically diagnosed, the commonality of empty nest syndrome illustrates its wide-reaching effect. Feeling a strong sense of sadness and loneliness after your children have moved out is the telltale sign of empty nest syndrome. Other symptoms include a lack of identity, extreme remorse, and a lack of self-worth. This lifestyle change can lead to clinical depression and apathy toward your spouse. Many feel as if they no longer have anything in common with their spouse since they have shared their child and the duties of parenting for the past decade. Although this can create a distance between spouses, there are various coping mechanisms for those who feel their emotions may be causing conflict.
Coping with Empty Nest Syndrome
Communication is Key: Over the years you may have gotten used to having your children’s lives take up the center of your family conversations; however, this may not be the case any longer. It is important to talk to your partner about your feelings to avoid misinterpretation of the emotions or miscommunication between you. Spouses often internalize this because they think they may appear too dramatic. Odds are, your spouse is feeling the same way as you.
Don’t Forget You Were Young Once, Too: When married couples become parents, they often lose the “couple time” that they once had together. Dates get put on the back burner and your child’s life begins to take precedence. Taking time with your partner is a good way to ensure you are both on the same page and do not lose the spark you have.
Avoid Blaming Your Children: Some parents will unintentionally make their children feel guilty for leaving. Constant calls and texts or discussing your emotions too personally can make their living adjustment more difficult than it already is. Spend your time talking to your spouse or a counselor rather than your child.
Contact a DuPage County Divorce Attorney
Sometimes children leaving the house makes you realize how little in common you and your spouse still have together. This can be a difficult realization to come to but is often discovered once you and your spouse spend an ample amount of alone time together. If you are considering filing for divorce, contact our Lombard, IL divorce attorneys at 630-426-0196 for a consultation.