Domestic Violence: the Basics
Domestic violence is an uncomfortable subject to discuss, but it is one that is unfortunately very common. When people hear the term "domestic violence", they imagine drunken men hitting their helpless wives or girlfriends…but there are many other psychological and emotional factors involved.
To understand domestic violence, we must first know what "abuse" entails. According to the Illinois State Police, abuse can include the following:
- Physical abuse
- Harassment
- Making a child or other person watch abuse
- Forcing you to do something you don’t want to do
- Denying a disabled person access to needed care
Every 15 seconds, a woman in the United States is beaten by an abusive partner. More often than not, these attacks require medical attention. In about 95 percent of partner abuse situations, it is the man who is abusing the woman. But in 5% of cases, it is the other way around. Unfortunately, when children are raised in homes where violence is prevalent, they generally grow up to believe that violence is the only way to properly control another person.
Domestic violence occurs in a cycle. This cycle begins with the victim trying to please their abuser. When issues and violence arise, the victim blames themself for not doing a good enough job. In the end, the victim believes everything was their fault and forgives their attacker. And the cycle continues.
If you are the victim of domestic violence and decide it’s time for you to leave, there are a few things you should remember to bring with you. These items include money and credit cards, identification, your order of protection, change of clothing, and many others.
If you or somebody you know is being abused by their partner, do not hesitate to seek help. A dedicated Illinois family law attorney will help you get out of your situation quickly and safely.