Electronic Communications Ease Tensions After Parents Split
Although some couples would prefer to never have contact with one another again following their separation or divorce, those who share children must continue to communicate in some manner, perhaps for many years to come. A recent New York Times article, however, points out that with the advent of technology, formerly hostile and emotional exchanges between former spouses can become relatively neutral and perhaps be avoided altogether. These electronic communications can even allow an almost unworkable joint custody situation to become doable, at least from a distance.
While cell phones allowed for a convenient source of communication, they still require ex-spouses to hear each other’s voices, which can be an automatic source of irritation for some. E-mail and text messages, though, eliminate voices altogether, and allow for a more detached, much less emotional form of communication. Other parents use a mutual Google calendar in order to map out visitation arrangements regarding their children. Whatever the type of electronic communications used, most parents agree that the lack of hostility in their interactions has enhanced their relationship and made it easier for their children.
Technology has also made interactions between parents and their children easier, as well. Children often must have cell phones so that both parents can access them at designated times, without going through the other parent. The development of Skype also can bring parent and child closer together, particularly when distance is a factor.
In many cases, these types of frequent electronic communications have become a necessity. Joint legal custody arrangements, where parents share major decision-making powers, have become more and more commonplace nationwide, and joint physical custody orders, where children actually spend equal amounts of time with each parent, have increased in frequency as well.
Electronic communications, of course, while useful for day-to-day interactions between parents, may not be able to solve all problems that arise in the context of a divorce or child custody action. Therefore, if you find yourself in this situation, you should seek the assistance of an experienced Illinois divorce lawyer.