Factors that Challenge the Longevity of Marriage
It is often thought if a marriage lasts ten years or longer, the likelihood of divorce is less. However, according to a report in the Huffington Post, a few factors can challenge marriages that have lasted decades.
After the children have left home for college, many couples feel that they don’t have much in common anymore. The marriage is now less about parenting and more about being friends and companions. This is where the true connection between the couple is bared and unfortunately, sometimes there is not enough there to keep both spouses in the relationship.
Feelings of Wasted Time
What we hear about midlife crises is true. There may be a traumatic event or just a sudden realization that life is too short to continue in a marriage that is not working. There are times when there has been so much going on inside of the marriage that the spouses have simply grown apart. There doesn’t necessarily have to be fault in this situation. Often, one spouse wants to work things out while the other feels that divorce is the best option.
Inability to Cope with Challenging Situations
Many view the midlife as the prelude to an enjoyable retirement. However, this is also a time of difficult transitions. There may be the loss of loved ones, illness, financial problems, as well as other problems. Not everyone is equipped with the coping skills required to keep the marriage intact.
In order for the marriage to continue to flourish, there has to be an open lone of communication as well as flexibility. This also means learning to adapt to the changing situations in the midlife period. The reality is that not every marriage can be saved. If you are in a situation where you are facing the possibility of divorce, you don’t have to do it on your own. Contact an experienced and empathetic Illinois family law attorney today.