Do Not Let Holiday Shopping Affect Your Ability to Pay Child Support
Although it may be hard to believe, Christmas is now less than three weeks away. In the upcoming days, shoppers around the country will hit the stores trying to find the right gifts for friends and family members. Most parents, of course, will be looking to fulfill the holiday wishes of their children, as they attempt to make the holiday season magical for their little ones. Sometimes, parents who are divorced or unmarried, however, may face financial challenges while they struggle to balance the cost of buying presents with their obligations for child support.
Tradition vs. the Law
Holiday gift-giving is a custom that dates back thousands of years. In the Christian tradition, three traveling kings—sometimes just referred to as the Three Wise Men—visited the infant Jesus bearing gifts for the child. The practice, however, is even older than that, as pagans and Ancient Romans celebrated festivals in the winter that including giving gifts to one another long before the birth of Christ.
If you are a divorced or unmarried parent who is obligated to pay child support, you would love to be able to buy your children presents for them to open and enjoy on Christmas. The tradition is a strong one and one that you wish to continue for many years. Compliance with your obligation for child support, however, is not optional. Failing to make your required payments could result in serious consequences, even if you spend the money on gifts for your children.
Consider Your Alternatives
Many people experience financial struggles this time of year, and if you are having trouble buying gifts while maintaining your support obligation, there are few things you can do. Of course, the most obvious—though not always reasonable or possible—is to work extra hours or to pick up a second job. Retail outlets typically boost their staff and extend their hours for the holiday season, and you may even be able to work at a place that offers employee discounts to further help your gift-buying efforts.
When making extra money is not realistic, consider making something unique for your children. Handmade gifts can save you money and allow you to give your child a one-of-a-kind present. If you do not have creative skills, you may be able to plan a special experience or dedicated one-on-one time with your child. This can be especially appreciated if your parenting time is somewhat limited. The experiences you share with your child are much more memorable and important than any gift you could buy in a store.
Help With Your Child Support Order
In some cases, the struggle to buy Christmas gifts may stem from a child support order that is unrealistic or no longer applicable to your lifestyle and circumstances. If this is the situation for you, contact an experienced Lombard family law attorney to discuss your options. A member of our team can help you explore the possibility of modifying your child support order to better suit your needs and those of your child. Call A. Traub & Associates for an appointment today.