Homework for Children with Two Homes
As the new academic year gets underway, recently divorced or separated parents may be dealing with certain issues for the first time. You may feel embarrassed going to meet with your child’s teachers, letting them know that this year might be a little rocky as you all adjust to a new post-divorce dynamic. Depending on your relationship and the circumstances of your split, your ex-spouse may be fully invested in helping your child minimize distractions and to make the most of the new school year. A cooperative approach is always preferable to contentiousness and, together, there are some steps the two of you can take to make your coparenting situation work.
Above all else, the relevant people involved with your child’s education must be able to communicate with one another. Of course, you should be able to maintain an open dialogue with the other parent, but it is also important to communicate with teachers and administrators. More than just telling teachers that your child might have a rough time, take the time to talk with your child’s teacher. Be willing to accept feedback and professional opinions. Chances are, the teacher has dealt with shared custody situations before and may be equipped to quickly identify areas of concern. Additionally, if you, the other parent, and educators are all on the same page, your child will be less likely to "forget" about an assignment or to succeed at hiding poor performance.
Develop a parenting schedule that best meets the needs of your family, including the ability of your child to complete homework and projects. This means making sure the other parent is involved as well, especially if his or her parenting time will include weeknights. As long as the expectations regarding schoolwork remain the same, regardless of which parent the child is with on a given night, he or she will not have to guess about required responsibilities. You and the other parent must be sure to provide the necessary materials, opportunity, and distraction-free space in which to work, and establish rules regarding the priority of homework. For example, if the rule at Mom’s is no TV before homework, the same rule should apply at Dad’s.
Make Reasonable Exceptions
Ensuring your child’s educational success is going to require some give and take. His or her school schedule is not always going to line up perfectly with your parenting plan. If you avoid making a big deal about it, and focus on supporting your child, he or she is not likely to be frustrated by it either. As an example, your child may be struggling with science homework, which is a particular area of strength for your ex. During your parenting time, encourage your child to call the other parent for help if necessary, or even switch nights on occasion to accommodate particularly challenging assignments. The spirit of cooperation between you as parents will not go unnoticed by your child.
If you are subject to a child custody order and would like to increase your involvement in your child’s life, contact an experienced family law attorney in Lombard. At A. Traub & Associates, we understand that children can greatly benefit from the active participation of both parents. We want to help you provide the best opportunities for your child, no matter what complicated circumstances may exist. Call us today to schedule a confidential consultation.