How Do Divorcing Parents Benefit From Parent Education?
Anyone entering the post-divorce world is faced with challenges they might have never guessed they would have to face during their lifetime. Divorce takes its toll on everyone, and parents who share children are dealt an entirely different set of challenges, such as learning how to create and maintain a new, healthy lifestyle for the whole family amidst a life-altering separation.
Due to the fact that divorce has such a big effect on children and families, some counties and states provide parent education classes to help prepare them for the transition. Illinois, for example, is a state that requires divorcing parents take such courses. The idea is to help equip the parents with the tools they need to raise their children in a healthy, positive, stress-free environment during and following the split.
The Benefits
As a newly single parent, you might wonder why you are required to take a class on how to be a parent. Do you really need a course on how to raise your child? Try to keep in mind that the state has your child’s best interest at heart. The purpose of parent education programs is to help you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse learn how to relate to and communicate with one another in a way that reduces tension and produces the least amount of conflict possible. The programs aim to inform and empower you so you can be a dependable, stable source of comfort for your child as they experience the loss.
Here are some examples of what you will learn:
- An introduction to the grieving process;
- The basic legal aspects of divorce;
- Navigating new relationships and life as a single parent;
- Custody arrangements and how they can benefit your family;
- Maintaining discipline in the home;
- Identifying and addressing typical symptoms of children experiencing divorce;
- What counseling can do for your children; and
- Communication tips for parents during and after the divorce
Parent education classes are typically offered as mandatory seminars and usually range from three to six hours, depending on your county and the structure of its program. Regardless of where you live, the program will focus on teaching you how to set aside your personal differences with your ex-spouse in order to keep your child out of the conflict.
Legal Help for Divorcing Parents
Should you need help filing for divorce, making custody arrangements, or have questions regarding parent education classes and how to register for them, contact an experienced, knowledgeable Lombard family law attorney. The compassionate team at A. Traub & Associates is ready to provide the guidance and representation you need. Schedule a consultation today at any of our convenient office locations.