How Often Do Couples Reconcile After a Legal Separation?
The decision to get a divorce is hardly ever easy, and it is understandable that you would want to pursue all other possible avenues before beginning the process of legally ending your marriage. You may even hold out hope for reconciliation if you and your spouse can find a way to work together to resolve your marital issues. If you feel that some time apart from your partner would be beneficial, a legal separation could be a good option, but you may wonder how, or if, reconciliation may be possible after you take this step.
Coming Together After a Legal Separation
A legal separation means that you and your spouse stay legally married but begin living separately. Depending on your financial and family situation, you may need to reach an agreement on spousal support, child support, and parenting time like you would if you were getting a divorce, but the option remains open for you and your spouse to end the separation if you both agree to do so.
That said, reconciliation after a legal separation is not especially common. According to U.S. statistics, 87 percent of couples who legally separate eventually get a divorce, while only 13 percent choose to come back together. If you want your marriage to be one of the few that survives, the following suggestions may be helpful:
Make your desire to work on the marriage clear. As you and your spouse begin your separation, be sure to communicate that you do not see this as an automatic precursor to divorce and that you are still willing to work out your differences. Planning for regular communication, including marriage counseling with a trained professional, can help to ensure that you work on your marriage even while you live apart.
Give your spouse space. Although it is important, correspondence with your spouse does not have to be constant. If seeing and talking to each other all the time was working for your marriage, chances are you would not have moved for a legal separation in the first place. This time apart can give you both the opportunity to reflect on your marriage and your own role in contributing to its current state.
Carefully consider your actions. It can be easy to view your separation as a chance to do the things you felt you could not during your time together, but if you truly want your marriage to survive, you need to be careful not to do something that you know would hurt your spouse, such as engaging in an extramarital affair.
Contact a DuPage County Legal Separation Attorney
At A. Traub & Associates, we want to help you pursue what you believe is the best outcome for your marriage. If that means a temporary legal separation, we will handle your case with an approach that leaves open the possibility of reconciliation. If you ultimately decide that a divorce is your best option, we will advise and represent you through all the relevant decisions to protect your rights and interests. Contact our compassionate Lombard, IL family law attorneys today at 630-426-0196 to learn more and schedule a case evaluation.