How to Handle a Surprise Divorce Filing
Imagine a plausible scenario: one day, you are sitting in your office, perhaps taking a break to read the morning newspaper and to refill your coffee cup for the second time. Suddenly, a person you have never seen before asks you to verify your name. When you do, he hands you an envelope and announces that you have been served. Confused, you open the envelope to find that—to your utter shock—your spouse has formally filed for a divorce. In a matter of moments, it may feel like your whole world has been turned upside down, but now you must take action in response. What should you do and where should you even start?
Analyze the Situation
If you have been truly blindsided by your spouse’s divorce filing, there are, to put it bluntly, serious problems in your relationship. Even the healthiest of marriages experience tough times every now and again, but through the difficulties, united couples will continue to talk and communicate their issues and concerns. There is a good possibility that the underlying issues that led your spouse to file for divorce have been going on for a long time, but communication was not a high enough priority. The problems were downplayed or completely ignored until, one day, enough was enough.
It Only Takes One
While a healthy marriage requires full cooperation and participation from each spouse, a divorce can be all but completed with the efforts of only one. Of course, if you refuse to cooperate with the divorce proceedings, the process will likely be much longer and more expensive. The other consideration is that it is unreasonable for you to try to stay married to someone who no longer wishes to be married to you. The better option is to get the help you need to get the through the process and to start a new life where you can be happier and healthier.
Seek Personal and Legal Guidance
As you decide how to move forward after being served with surprise divorce papers, it is important to find the proper help. You may wish to speak with a family counselor, a mental health professional, or a spiritual adviser for guidance regarding how to deal with the current reality. It may also be helpful to talk to a trusted friend who has recently gone through a divorce. Knowing that you are not alone can be very reassuring.
You should also reach out to an experienced divorce lawyer so you can begin preparing for the upcoming legal process. Your attorney can help you determine what information you will need to gather to present your best case and can provide a reasonable outlook regarding what lies ahead. To learn more about the divorce process in Illinois, contact a skilled Lombard divorce attorney. Call 630-426-0196 for a confidential consultation at A. Traub & Associates today. We can provide the assistance you need if you have been surprised by your spouse’s desire to end your marriage.