How to Parent from a Distance After Divorce
Some parents are forced to have a relationship with their child from hundreds of miles away. This is common for military members, individuals who travel often for work, separated couples, and those going through the divorce process. No matter the circumstances, trying to care for a child with a long distance between you is not easy. The transition is usually the most difficult part, especially if this is a recent lifestyle change. You start to miss the little moments and sometimes the big ones, too. Gone are the days of dropping your child off at school each morning and putting them to bed at night, and while you try not to miss the big events, life sometimes gets in the way.
Here are a few tips about how to maintain a healthy parent-child relationship when many miles separate you.
Technology is Your Friend
Parenting from a distance has never been easy because all a parent wants to do is be there for their child. Although a long-distance relationship is not ideal, technological advances have made the job much easier. Being able to call or text your child at any time helps lessen the distance between you, especially if your child is old enough to have a cell phone. FaceTime or Skype calls are the best forms of communication between a child and parent. Face-to-face communication can make you feel closer, even if it is a digital image. This technological advancement is especially helpful if you have a young child. It helps them remember your face and mannerisms without your physical presence.
Stand by Structure and Stability
Extended stays with your child may be few and far between, which makes it a special time when it does occur. Many parents plan fun events to fill their days with their child to compensate for the days they have missed. This is a good idea for both the parent and the child, but remember to maintain a structured bedtime, regular meals, and discipline to avoid blurring the lines between friend and parent.
Send Care Packages
Kids love receiving gifts, whether it is their birthday or not. Sending care packages with little gifts in them is a good way to remind them you are thinking of them no matter the distance between you. It is good to send letters or packages at times outside of holidays or birthdays to make up for the time lost due to the distance.
Contact a Lombard, IL Divorce Attorney
Most parents who have a large distance between them and their child are separated or going through a divorce. Distance and divorce are difficult, especially when children are involved. At A. Traub & Associates, our attorneys work to solve complex legal issues to give you more time with your family. If you are considering divorce, contact our experienced DuPage County family lawyers at 630-426-0196.