Husband’s Close Relationship with In-Laws Decreases Risk of Divorce
Getting along with your in-laws may be the key to lasting marital happiness, according to an article in the Huffington Post. A 26-year longitudinal study discovered that when a husband had a good relationship with his wife’s mom and dad, the likelihood of divorce decreased by 20 percent. However, when wives had a close relationship with their husband’s parents, the risk of divorce increased by 20 percent.
The study was launched in 1986 by Terri Orbuch, psychologist and research professor at the University of Michigan. Orbuch thinks that the results reflect the different ways men and women approach their relationships with their in-laws. "Women value a close relationship with their in-laws but may ultimately view them as meddling, while men are more interested in providing for their families, and take their in-laws& actions less personally," she said. "Because relationships are so important to women, their identity as a wife and mother is central to their being. They interpret what their in-laws say and do as interference into their identity as a spouse and parent."
Women also are more interested in their parents’ relationship with their husbands. A husband who tries to get along with his wife’s parents sends a message to his wife. "I really care about you so I need to have a good relationship with your parents too." Orbuch suggests that wives should keep a certain distance with their in-laws, while husbands should be open to bonding with their in-laws and treat them respectfully.
Sometimes divorce is the best option for couples. If you are considering filing for a divorce, you will need the assistance of capable divorce lawyers. Don’t go through it alone. Contact a compassionate and experienced divorce attorney in Illinois as soon as possible.
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