Troubling Illinois Domestic Violence Victim Statistics
Any one instance of domestic abuse is one too many, and for those residing in Illinois, the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 (750 ILCS 60) provides the basis for protection. Generally, any instance of physical, emotional or interference with one’s personal liberty at the hand of a family or household member is a crime and will be prosecuted as such. Although often, domestic violence crimes go unreported.
The Chicago Foundation for Women is fighting to put an end to domestic violence through Illinois statute and education. If you are a victim of any type of domestic violence, the following information may prove helpful. You may also consider contacting an experienced Illinois family law attorney to discuss your legal rights under Illinois law.
Staggering Statistics
Three or more women per day are killed by an intimate partner,
Women will withstand up to 35 beatings before contacting local authorities,
More than 30,000 domestic violence protection orders are in effect each day,
Domestic violence affects 32 million Americans each year,
This form of abuse is responsible for 2 million injuries and approximately 1,300 deaths,
One third of all women are murdered each year by a trusted husband or intimate partner.
Behind every startling statistic is a woman, or a man, a family and a deeply troubled relationship. For those on the receiving end of the domestic abuse, even though there are state laws, organizations and family law attorneys willing to help to help protect the rights of the victim, more than not crimes against women remain largely unreported. The Chicago Foundation for Women also provides insight as to why domestic violence victims choose to remain silent.
Deafening Silence
Many women fear that the abuse will escalate if the "secret" has been told,
Women feel that the judicial system will place them on trial as the victim, rather than prosecuting the perpetrator,
Often, women will feel tremendous guilt as if the abuse was their fault.
Unfortunately for victims of domestic abuse in America, our culture defines domestic violence as a taboo subject, often diluting the numbers representative of reported crimes of domestic abuse. Thus, instances of domestic abuse remain a well kept secret.
If you reside in Illinois and are a victim of domestic abuse, resources are available. The Illinois Department of Human Services, under the direction of Michelle R.B. Saddler, offers a toll free domestic violence hotline, 24 hour counseling, and emergency situation services.
If domestic violence is part of your marriage, an experienced Illinois family law attorney can be a strong legal advocate to let your voice be heard. At A. Traub & Associates, we understand your hesitation but also understand the importance of stopping the cycle of violence. We offer legal assistance to Illinois residents throughout the Chicago metro area as well as those residing in DuPage, Cook, Will and Kane counties is to provide you with specialized legal advice. We believe that every domestic abuse victim deserves to be heard. Contact us at 630-426-0196 to schedule an initial consultation today.