Choosing a Guardian for Your Children
The idea of both you and your spouse dying before your young children become adults may seem unfathomable. Every day, however, illness or accidents leave children without a parent. If you have not chosen a guardian, the courts would determine guardianship. The courts may not choose the person you would have chosen. Do not risk this scenario. Using guidelines and proper legal counsel can make the decision easier.
Who Do I Choose?
Choosing a family member may seem like the natural choice but it may not always be the right choice. You should weigh the suitability of your family members as you would any potential guardian. Here are some things to consider when determining a potential guardian:
- Do they share your religious beliefs? If not, would they be willing to support the religious choice you have made for your children?
- Do they share your moral convictions?
- Do they share your child-rearing ideals?
- Do your children have an existing relationship with them? Having your children cared for by someone they do not know may not be an ideal situation.
- Do they have the patience and tolerance to raise your children?
- Do they have the health and stamina to see your children into adulthood? Your elderly parents may not be able to provide this security for your children.
- Are they loving and would they provide a nurturing environment?
- Do they like children? This seems like an obvious question, but do not overlook the fact that not all people like children.
- Do they live locally? Moving your children away from the schools and friends they know could be difficult for them.
- Do they have the financial means to care for your child? A solid life insurance policy with your children as the beneficiaries could remove this obstacle.
- Are there other children in the home? Depending on the situation, this could either be a pro or a con.
- Is there alcoholism, abuse or other issues in the home that would threaten a stable environment for your children?
Make Your Decisions Known
Once you have chosen a guardian, you will need to ask that person if they are willing to accept this responsibility. Once everyone is in agreement, you must get your decision in writing. A qualified attorney can ensure your wishes will be properly conveyed to the courts. Do not delay this very important step. Contact a qualified Illinois family law attorney today to be certain your children are protected.