Keeping the Holidays Enjoyable After Your Illinois Divorce
For many families, the winter holidays are a time for celebration. They can also be a time of heightened emotions, and those feelings are not always positive. Families who have recently gone through a divorce may still be coping with grief, sadness, even anger, and they may understandably find it hard to recapture the joy of past holiday seasons. However, this does not mean that this year’s holidays cannot be enjoyable in a different way.
Approaching the Holidays as a Divorced Parent
As a parent, there are a few things you can do to help make the holidays less sad or stressful and more enjoyable after your divorce. Here are some suggestions to consider:
Coordinate with your former spouse. One of the biggest sources of holiday stress is conflict with your ex regarding how your children will spend the holidays. Communication and planning can help to reduce this stress. The division of holiday parenting time can be established in your parenting plan during the divorce and may include an arrangement in which you alternate holidays or share time on each of the important holidays. That said, it is a good idea to stay in touch with the other parent to coordinate details like transportation and gift-giving, or how you will handle the unique challenges of the 2020 holiday season related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Find new ways to celebrate with your kids. After a divorce, there is often value in the comfort of routines, and it may be a good idea to maintain some of your children’s favorite traditions. However, new traditions or activities can also help to give your children something to look forward to and to prevent too many comparisons to past holidays that may bring up painful emotions. Anything you can do to make your time together special can help your children stay positive during the holidays. Try making a new holiday recipe or craft or watching a movie together.
Be aware of your own needs. While thinking of your children’s happiness, you should not neglect to consider your own. Sometimes, the effort of planning for the perfect holiday celebration can be overwhelming when you are still dealing with the stress and pain of your divorce. Work on recognizing when you need a break, and look to the support of your friends and family and some of your favorite de-stressing activities. In addition, seeking professional help with a counselor or therapist, or joining a divorce care group in your local community can help you cope with your divorce, especially during the holidays as well as the global coronavirus crisis.
Contact a Wheaton Family Law Attorney
The way you manage the holidays after your Michigan divorce is often a deeply personal decision, but at A. Traub & Associates, we can help you handle the legal aspects of holiday parenting time decisions and disputes so that you can focus on celebrating with your children and family. Contact our knowledgeable and compassionate Lombard, IL divorce lawyers today at 630-426-0196 to schedule your private consultation.