Mediation Could Help Protect Your Children
Divorce is typically a time of increased stress and emotions for the couple splitting. When we are emotionally wounded, we have a tendency to lash out against the person who caused the damage. Some events that happen throughout the course of a divorce have the proclivity to leave lasting emotional wounds to those involved. As adults, we have a better understanding of what is happening and why, but when children are involved, the situation changes. The impact of what happens during a divorce could last for decades or even a lifetime. Many divorcing spouses now seek alternative solutions as a means of protecting their children. One such method is mediation.
What is Mediation?
Even after years of marriage, it is possible just to realize that this is not what you truly want for your life. You and your spouse may have irreconcilable differences, and you just do not “mesh” well together anymore. That is absolutely okay and it does not make either of you any a bad or unlovable person. For situations such as these and others in which the splitting pair are able to maintain a civil relationship, mediation is a viable alternative to traditional divorce proceedings. Instead of heading straight to a courtroom armed with your own personal attorney, divorce mediation allows an opportunity for spouses to come together in a private location with a neutral third party—a mediator—and settle the divorce on their own terms.
The Benefits
Mediation offers a number of potential advantages apart from avoiding the stress-inducing necessity of standing in a courtroom while the judge picks apart every intimate detail of the marriage. The ability to sit together in a room and maintain the control over the outcome of the divorce is both empowering and less aggravating. Being in charge of your own destiny enables both parties to assert their needs, desires, and grievances, and creates the opportunity to reach a long-term and lasting solution. With such a weight removed, arguments tend to not be as cutthroat and personal, leaving less long-term emotional damage for the whole family. Other benefits of mediation include:
- Substantial savings in terms of both time and money;
- Confidentiality, since mediation notes are not a matter of public record;
- Long-lasting results and increased cooperation with the terms of the agreement; and
- Establishing a more positive basis for your post-divorce relationship.
A Solution for You
All individuals are unique which, in turn, makes your marriage different than all other marriages. When ending a marriage, it is important to find a divorce option that works best for your family. If there is no hope of agreeing on anything and you cannot stand to be in the same room as your spouse, even for the sake of your children, mediation may not be ideal. However, if you desire to find a friendlier solution that is also kinder to the wallet, a mediated divorce could be the way to go.
To learn more about all of your available divorce options, contact an experienced Lombard family law attorney. Call A. Traub & Associates at 630-426-0196 for your confidential consultation today.