New Bill Could Change Divorce in Illinois
In Illinois, current divorce and child custody laws have not been changed for over 30 years. A current group of politicians is looking to change that.
The cross-party committee called the Family Law Study has created House bill 1452 based on data collected from 4 years of surveys. They asked for information from family law experts, judges, child advocate groups, and the general public to rewrite current laws. Chairman and family attorney Andre Katz said that the purpose of this work was to make a system of laws that serves families better.
Within that House bill are the following changes to the current divorce laws:
- Child support payments will consider the incomes of both parents as well as the amount of time spent with child
- Permits non-custodial parent to spend at minimum 35% of time with child, in an effort to minimize disruptive transitions which occur quickly every week
- Ending ability to bring lawsuit against a spouse/fiancé and lover if infidelity breaks up home, also termed "heart balm" or "home-wrecking" lawsuits
- Judgments from divorce court will be issued within 60 days or 90 days given special circumstances
- Making it unnecessary to prove grounds for divorce
- Establish distinctive decision-making rights to non-custodial parents which can modify existing legal custody agreements
Many couples decide to divorce every year. It is important to learn from the experience of others rather than running into similar mistakes. Another helpful person to learn from in the process of a divorce is a legal professional. Contact an experienced divorce attorney in Lombard who can be your advocate and guide throughout this process.
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