New Study Shows Trend in Divorce
Given the poor economic climate of the United States, a new study funded by Ohio State University makes a lot of sense. As people are losing their jobs and drowning in credit card debt, it is hard to swallow paying for a divorce. Most people try to separate before making a life-changing decision like divorce, but some people just stay separated.
"Long-term separation seems to be the low-cost, do-it-yourself alternative to divorce for many disadvantaged couples," said Dmitry Tumin, co-author of the study and a student studying sociology at Ohio State University. "Separation may not be their first choice, but they may feel it is their best choice." Tumin compiled the research for this study with the help of sociology professor Zhenchao Qian. They used data from over 7,000 people across the country who have been surveyed every couple of years since 1974.
80% of the people who went through a marital separation ultimately filed for divorce within three years. A much smaller percent, around 5%, tried to reconcile their estranged relationships, of which half were successful. The remaining 15% of separations neither reconciled nor divorced within 10 years of the initial split. They chose instead to remain legally married yet they live apart from each other. The data suggested that these people were generally racial and ethnic minorities, have low education levels and income, and have young children.
The underlying cause of these long-term separations was financial; people who were worried about receiving spousal support especially those with children. The benefits of being divorced may outweigh the financial benefits of not paying for a divorce. If you remain legally married to an estranged spouse, you are liable for any debts they accrue and you have to share any income. To discuss the benefits of filing for divorce, please contact a skilled divorce attorney in Lombard who will be dedicated to finding the best solution to your personal situation.