Options for Expanding your Family
In recent years, people are marrying later in life. Or they have health issues that make it harder to conceive a child. In order not to miss out on creating a family, they review different options for expanding their families if they cannot do so naturally. Some options include adoption and surrogacy.
Surrogacy requires a third party to carry a fertilized egg to term for a couple who can&t have a child of their own. Traditional surrogacy requires the surrogate to provide their genetic material to create the baby. The sperm can be provided by the intended parent or by a third party donor. Gestational surrogacy does not require the surrogate to supply an egg so there is no relation between the surrogate and the baby. Both kinds of surrogacy require a legal contract to ensure transference of custody after the birth.
Surrogacy has gained popularity lately, partially due to the number of celebrities who have used the process to become parents like Jimmy Fallon, Elton John and Nicole Kidman. But it has also gained esteem in Illinois because of the Gestational Surrogacy Act of 2005. So much so that couples come from around the United States and Europe to have their surrogate births in Illinois to benefit from the pro-surrogacy climate. The major benefit of the Gestational Surrogacy Act is that it transfers parentage immediately after birth which eliminates the need to visit adoption court and eliminates a possible custody battle with the surrogate.
The decision to add to your family can be rather costly. The average costs vary between $90,000 and $120,000 depending on whether the intended parents also need an egg donor. The surrogates generally receive $25,000 to $30,000 for their assistance. This is a big decision that takes careful planning and execution. If you are looking to expand your family, whether through adoption or surrogacy, it is important to have the support of a legal professional. Contact an experienced family law attorney in Lombard today to begin discussing your first baby steps.