Potential Positives in Your Divorce
No one would ever deny that getting a divorce is a difficult and painful process. You had intended to stay married to your partner forever, and, now, your plans for the future are falling apart. Divorce is never the first option for those who are married, but going through one does not mean your life is over. After you have processed the sadness and pain of divorce is, you may notice a few potential benefits of the separation. For example:
Time to Pursue Hobbies and Interests
Managing a marriage and a family can be time consuming, but after a divorce, you may be sharing custody of children with your ex-spouse. This means that you suddenly have those nights without the children free. Even if you did not have children, you may notice that you have more time to spend how you choose anyway, as your time is yours alone. You could learn how to paint, take up a community sport, adopt a pet, or start practicing yoga. The door to your marriage may have closed, but many windows of opportunities have opened.
Lower Overall Stress in Your Life
It can be exhausting trying to keep a marriage happy and healthy, especially if you feel like you are fighting a losing battle. You may not even be aware of the amount of stress your marriage was putting on you until it no longer exists. After the divorce is finalized and you begin to move on with your new life, you may find there is a bit more pep in your step and that you smile more often. The disagreements and worries that constantly came up in your marriage are no longer bringing you down on a daily basis.
Possible Improvements in Your Children
Many studies show that children raised in volatile households are more likely to be sad or depressed, act out at school, or get into trouble. Matt Sweetwood, creator of The Man-Up Project, says “The reality is, the worst thing for your children is for them to live in a hostile home and have them see you unhappy. My life and my children’s’ lives have gotten better and happier with each passing day after the divorce.”
The Opportunity to Meet the Right Person
Many people go through several heartbreaks before finding the right person for them. After you have healed from a divorce, you are free to date again and possibly meet the person of your dreams. Even better, you have learned more about what you want out of a relationship and what your needs and deal-breakers are. You now know yourself better than ever and have learned a great deal from the painful ordeal of ending your marriage.
Seek Legal Guidance
The first step in building your new life after divorce is successfully navigating the divorce process, and our firm is here to help. Contact an experienced Lombard family law attorney and get the assistance you need today. Call A. Traub & Associates for a confidential consultation at any of our three convenient office locations.