Protecting Your Children During Divorce
The decision to divorce is not one that is made easily. This is especially true for those that have children who are sure to be impacted by the complex process. To bring awareness to the struggles that children face in divorce and to help parents better understand how they can improve their child’s ability to cope and adjust, The Child of Divorce—an advocacy group for children—has created and recently released an emotional but educational video. The topics discussed in the video are extremely relevant to many families and provide tips that parents can use during their divorce.
A Child’s View of Divorce
Parents are often—and understandably—shaken, troubled, and possibly even shocked by the changes that divorce brings. Children experience many of these very same emotions but in a very different way. They often feel that the very foundation of their world is crumbling. All that was once stable, safe, and secure is changing, and they have no control or say over the matter. Yet they still feel a strong attachment to both parents. When the parties become more focused on “winning,” and less on the emotions and well-being of their children, young ones can feel as though they are being asked to choose. No child should ever be placed in this position.
Helping Your Child Cope with Divorce
The video indicates that parents should never simply assume that their child is “resilient.” Instead, they should do everything that they can to protect their child’s innocence and sense of safety. They must put down their battle axes and learn to compromise. They should avoid saying hurtful things about the other parent and should not involve the child in the details of the divorce. This is a matter between you and your spouse. The end of your marriage is not—and should not—be the end of your child’s relationship with either parent, unless a continued relationship puts the child in danger. Even then, situations that may compromise a child’s safety should be handled with the utmost care. Seek support and experienced legal assistance for dangerous situations and those that are riddled with contention.
Our Family Law Attorneys Can Help
At A. Traub & Associates, we make your child’s best interests and well-being our top priority. We will work hard to help you in creating a parenting plan that will hopefully satisfy all parties, and we protect your rights as a parent. Contact one of our experienced Lombard family law attorneys for a confidential consultation today.