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Three Reasons to Consider Adoption in 2017

 Posted on December 20,2016 in Adoption

Lombard family law attorneysAdopting a child can be one of the most rewarding decisions an individual or couple can make. A person or couple who chooses to adopt is giving a family to a child who may not have otherwise had one. Almost certainly, they will change that child’s life for the better. Whether you cannot have biological children due to a fertility issue or you are a same-sex couple wanting to start your own family, adoption is a choice that may allow you to fulfill your dreams of parenthood.

Some individuals choose to adopt a child on their own without a partner. You may have lost a partner or spouse, or maybe you just never met the right person. Through adoption, you can still have a child of your own. Others have no pressing need to adopt but decide to do so for personal reasons. Whatever your motivation for adopting, you are sure to make a difference in a child’s life.

As we get ready to begin 2017, many are preparing New Year’s resolutions. If you have been thinking about adoption, this could be the year you finally make it happen. Adoption may be the right avenue for you to grow your family because:

  1. You are providing a home to a child in need. Every child deserves a safe and loving family. Biological parents who make the choice to place a child for adoption are making one of the most selfless decision a person can make. They are choosing to do what is best for a child they cannot or do not wish to care for. They trust that their child will have better opportunities and a more fulfilling life through adoption than they could give him or her. You can help make that a reality;
  2. Many children are waiting for forever families right now. In the United States 51,000 infants are placed for adoption each year. Sadly, many of these children do not immediately find a stable home. According to the organization Children’s Rights, there are currently about 415,000 children living in foster homes or group homes. Foster care should only be a temporary living situation as many studies show that children thrive with consistency. Adoption can allow you to offer a child the love and stability they so desperately need;
  3. It may be a wise financial decision for your family. Fertility treatments can be extremely expensive and are not always successful. The average cost of in vitro fertilization (IFV) is approximately $12,000, placing it well out of the price range for many would-be parents. Adoption costs, by comparison, can be offset by federal grants, and some adoptive parents may also be eligible for a substantial federal tax credit.

Of course, the decision to adopt is intensely personal and should only be made after careful consideration and planning. To learn more about adoption in Illinois, contact an experienced Lombard family law attorney at A. Traub & Associates today. Let us provide the guidance you need as you look to change your life and the life of a child forever.


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