Recovered Addict Adopts her own Children
Posted on June 19, 2013 in Paternity

Adoption is a wonderful way to provide a home for children in the Illinois system who are looking to be placed in a loving home. When most people think of adoption, it usually involves a couple who is looking to expand their family. But there are
other types of adoptions, such as the adoption of a relative's child. This can happen for various reasons, but the court will grant adoption to a relative to protect the child or children's best interest in the event the parent is deemed unfit.
There are cases where the biological parent may what to regain parental rights after getting his or her life together. This was the case a few years ago when a woman sought to adopt her biological children after winning her battle with a drug addiction.
The Chicago
mom fought to reclaim her children after years of battling a drug addiction. Thanks to an Illinois law that went into effect in 2010, rehabilitated parents can regain custody of children who were adopted by relatives. The mother of eleven fought to adopt 10 of her own children who were awarded to the grandmother when the courts found the mom to be unfit as a mother due to her drug addiction at the time. The grandmother died in 2005.
When the relatives of the adopted children die many of these children become orphaned and it can be a struggle for the rehabilitated parent to
regain parental rights. After 10 years of rehabilitation, this Chicago mom was reunited with her family, who as adults, wanted to be adopted by their mother. At the time of the article, rights to four of her children had been restored.
If you or a loved one is fighting to regain custody of children who were adopted by relatives,
contact an experienced Illinois family law attorney to assist you with your case.
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