Should My Ex and I Use Co-Parenting Apps?
There is no question that we are living in a technological revolution, with new apps popping up every day to address challenges and help make our daily routines run smoother. It is natural for many people to fear change and be slow to adapt, but some of these apps have managed to streamline parts of life that were previously the sources of stress and tension. One surprising area where technology has developed to meet modern needs is co-parenting for divorced parents.
Ex-spouses often need to engage in a great deal of communication and coordination when they have children. With so much to juggle, including custody schedules, school events, and medical appointments, co-parenting apps are meant to help parents stay on top of everything they need to do and know. While many have advantages and disadvantages alike, a knowledgeable Illinois divorce lawyer can help you understand whether they might be a good fit for you and your ex.
How Do Co-Parenting Apps Help Parents?
Often developed by parents who have gone through divorce themselves and understand the unique challenges, these apps aim to optimize the way parental duties are shared and managed and reduce potential conflicts. All of the apps offer unique functions, but some common features include the ability to store the child’s school and medical records, track any child-related expenses, and maintain shared calendars.
This feature can be particularly useful as it can include information about where the child is staying and when, important events, medical appointments, and any other dates the parents should be aware of. They also generally include a messaging platform so parents can share necessary information without needing to be in direct contact.
In addition to the ways co-parenting apps can make it easier to handle all the aspects of shared parenting, they also create records that can be used if necessary in legal proceedings. If one parent thinks the other is violating the parenting plan or did not do something they said they would, the documentation kept in the app can help resolve these issues.
As helpful as co-parenting apps can be in helping parents navigate how to raise their children after divorce, they are not a legal agreement. The parenting plan that the couple drafted and signed with court approval is the main resource that outlines what is expected of each parent.
Contact a Wheaton, IL Child Custody Lawyer
If you or your spouse are having a hard time fulfilling your parenting plan, a co-parenting app might be a good idea. The DuPage County, IL family law attorneys at A. Traub & Associates have experience helping families and parents get past conflicts and move on toward a better future. Call us at 630-426-0196 to learn more about the services we can offer you.