Summer: Wedding Season or Divorce Season?
When most people think of summer, they imagine attending weddings and enjoying time spent with their families. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many couples. According to research conducted by University of Washington sociologists between 2001 and 2015, there is a biannual pattern for divorce. The months of March and August have been found to have high volumes of divorce. While it may seem like a coincidence, there are actually reasons for this spike in ending marriages.
Why the Divorce Pattern?
All relationships are different thus making each divorce case unique. Despite the individuality of each couple, studies have found a few common denominators that may contribute to this seasonal divorce pattern.
- Post-Holiday Blues: Holiday season is charged with excitement and fun activities to attend. Whether it is Christmas dinner or a Fourth of July barbecue, families spend a lot of time together throughout the holidays. This brings many families together but can also drive some apart. It is common for all of this “family togetherness” to cause emotions to rise and friction to occur. Most couples will wait for things settle down after the holidays before officially deciding to go separate ways.
- Back to School: Many parents will wait until the end of the summer before disclosing their decision to divorce to their children. Going to school is a good distraction for children, eliminating large amounts of time that could be spent at home, worrying about their family’s relationships. Having children in school throughout the divorce process also makes it easier to get legal processes done without childcare responsibilities interfering.
- Vacation Stress: Family vacations are more common in the summer due to the nice weather and time off from school. Similar to holidays, vacations can bring on more problems than good memories. Traveling is stressful, especially with a spouse that you are unsure about. Traveling difficulties and a large amount of time spent together can ultimately lead to conflict and a solution of permanent separation.
Contact a Lombard, IL, Divorce Attorney for Help
Filing for divorce is difficult, regardless of how much conflict exists between you and your spouse. Parting ways with someone you thought you would spend a lifetime with is not easy no matter the situation. At A. Traub & Associates, we take on the legal process to give you time to focus on your emotional well being. If you are filing for divorce, contact our Glen Ellyn divorce attorneys at 630-426-0196.