Summer and Winter Divorce Seasons
Winter holidays often bring to mind thoughts of families around massive turkey dinners and children excitedly opening Christmas presents. Summer months involve similar—though usually outdoor—family gatherings and vacations. Children are on a break from school and parents can grill dinner outdoors while getting some sun. Although we generally think of holidays as a fun-filled vacation from stress, a new study from the University of Washington suggests otherwise. According to the study, rates of divorce filing significantly increase in the time period after the holidays.
Divorce filings seem to peak in March, after the winter holidays, and in August, at the end of summer vacation. Sociology professor Julie Brines and doctoral student Brian Serafini found evidence of a biannual pattern in divorce in Washington State between 2001 and 2015. Their results suggest that divorce rates rise 40% from December to March.
Why Is Divorce Seasonal?
There are a few reasons experts believe this happens. The holidays bring with them many added stressors; the normal household routine is disrupted, extra friends and family members are around, and there are added expectations on spouses. They may view the holidays as a time that will “make or break” their marriage. When marital problems are still as bad or even worse after the holiday season ends, the couple will decide to call it quits. Brines says of this pattern, "People tend to face the holidays with rising expectations, despite what disappointments they might have had in years past.” She went on to say that these seasons are full of “anticipation or the opportunity for a new beginning, a new start, something different.” When the opportunity passes, however, the emptiness and disappointment may be too great.
Couples may also be waiting until after the holidays to file for divorce even if they have already made the decision to do so because they do not want to ruin the holidays for family members or children. Even if they make the decision after the December holidays, for example, it may take a month or two for them to summon the courage to actually file, hire attorneys, or get their assets in order.
Contact a Divorce Attorney
As the summer season draws to an end, you and your spouse may be thinking about divorce. If such is the case, it is important to work with an experienced Lombard divorce lawyer to be sure that you are fully protected throughout the process. Call A. Traub & Associates today to schedule a confidential consultation and get the guidance you need from a team committed to helping you.