Dealing with Visitation Interference and Other Child-Related Problems After Divorce
While, for some, divorce can completely sever all marital ties, those that share children always share a connection – namely, their child. This is as it should be since, under most circumstances, children benefit greatly from having two loving parents in their lives. Unfortunately, the continued connection between divorced parents is not always a healthy one. Some may still experience contention and other problematic issues, such as parental alienation and visitation interference. The following can help parents cope with such situations, and it provides some valuable insight on your legal rights.
When Contentiousness Abounds
Generally, parents with excessive conflict are encouraged to develop a parenting plan that limits their contact. Of course, as life changes and children grow, the original parenting plan may be difficult to adhere to, even for the most well-intentioned parents. If contentiousness is still an issue when the parenting plan starts to collapse, frustration and stress may reach an all-time high. If left unchecked, this could lead to serious arguments, bitter exchanges, and a child that feels as though they are trapped in the middle. To avoid this all-too-common issue, parents may want to use mediation to renegotiate their parenting plan so they can develop one that works amidst all the changes.
Parental Alienation
The risk for parental alienation – the pitting of one parent against the other with the child caught in the middle– does not disappear once the divorce is finalized. In fact, if anything, the risk could increase once the papers are signed. After all, there is no longer a judge or court system scrutinizing the behavior of each parent. How do you know if you are the victim of this insidious behavior? Watch for signs of anger or contempt from your child, sudden “issues” that arise during your scheduled visitation (i.e. illness, school recitals, family get-togethers, etc.), and visit refusal from your child. If you notice any of this behavior, contact your family law attorney for further assistance.
Visitation Interference
Visitation or parenting time interference may be considered parental alienation’s cousin. It could be the first step in alienating a child from their parent, or it may be done to try and negotiate more child support or better parenting plan terms. Whatever the reason behind it, affected parents need to know that they do have rights. There are legal means for holding the offending parent in contempt, and only these options should be pursued. So, despite giving into the temptation to take matters into your own hands, contact an attorney for quality legal guidance.
Contact a Family Law Attorney Today
Whatever the situation you are facing, it is important to ensure you have skilled and experienced legal assistance on your side for child-related matters. The experienced Lombard family law attorneys at A. Traub & Associates will help protect your rights, including your right to be a part of your child’s life. We will aggressively pursue the most favorable outcome possible for your situation. To learn more, call 630-426-0196 and schedule a consultation today.