What Are the Pros and Cons of Open Adoption?
There are three types of adoption in Illinois when it comes to involving the biological parents: open adoption, semi-open adoption, and closed adoption.
In an open adoption, the biological parents remain involved and maintain a relationship with the child.
In a semi-open adoption, the biological parents are somewhat involved in the child’s life but are not in frequent contact.
In a closed adoption, there is no contact with the biological parents at all. The adoption is handled strictly through a third party like an adoption agency, which fields all communication between the biological and adoptive parents.
Open adoption can be an attractive option, but it is not for everybody. This article will discuss the pros and cons of open adoption.
If you are unsure which type of adoption may be right for you, consult with an Illinois adoption attorney who will talk to you about the adoption process and what is in the best interest of the child.
What Are the Pros of Open Adoption?
If you have an open adoption, it means your child will remain in contact with his or her biological parents. This can be in the form of letters, emails, phone calls, video calls, or visitations. Ultimately, it is up to both sets of parents to decide.
Here are some benefits of an open adoption:
The child may have a stronger sense of identity.
The child will have access to his or her family history and medical records.
The child will have access to his or her biological siblings, if applicable.
The child and adoptive parents can benefit from extra support, love, and friendship.
What Are the Cons of Open Adoption?
Whether open adoption is right for you may largely depend on who the biological parents are. There can be many reasons for giving a child up for adoption, like if the parents cannot take care of the child due to at least one of the parents having a mental illness. But that could mean that exposing the child to that parent may impact the child’s well-being.
Here are some cons of open adoption:
If the parents are unfit, they may pose an emotional, mental, or physical danger to the child.
There may arise conflicts in how to raise the child, especially if the adoptive and biological parents follow different faiths and live in different environments.
In some cases, the authority of the adoptive parents can be compromised.
Contact a Lombard, IL Adoption Attorney
It is best to know whether or not you want an open adoption before you start the adoption process. If you are considering adoption, make sure to consult with a qualified Wheaton, Illinois adoption lawyer who is experienced in open and closed adoptions. The attorneys at A. Traub & Associates offer competitive legal services with a friendly, personable approach. Call 630-426-0196 for a consultation today.