Why Would You Choose Divorce Mediation in Illinois?
If you are getting a divorce, you might want to consider employing divorce mediation to help both you and your spouse reach a fairer and less stressful dissolution of your marriage.
In addition, many other issues in family law could be resolved through mediation as well, including child custody. Here is some more information about mediation in case you are considering it for you and your family.
Definition of Mediation
Mediation, in general, is a way of collaborating between two or more people or parties on a contentious topic to reach a fair compromise through an unbiased third party’s facilitation of negotiating the terms required to reach an agreement (the third party is usually known as the “mediator” in these cases). It is meant to be less combative and diffusive and more cooperative and peaceful.
Divorce mediation, in particular, can help couples resolve to reach reasonable compromises about the allocation of parental responsibilities, the division of marital property, spousal maintenance, and child support, among many other important divorce and family issues, with the assistance of an unbiased third party who usually wants—and strives for—an agreeable and nonconfrontational mediation with every nonjudgmental and fair word spoken. Divorce mediation is completed outside of court.
There are also child custody mediators, family law mediators, and other legal mediators in addition to divorce mediators. Some are lawyers who are trained in mediation while others are simply mediators without much if any, legal training.
Why Mediation Might Be a Good Choice for You
Mediation might be the right choice for you and your spouse if:
You are on a budget. If you and your spouse are struggling financially, mediation might be a good option for you since mediation allows you to avoid the court process entirely, which saves both time and money, thereby reducing your expenses overall.
The ultimate goal of mediation is fairness for all parties involved. This means that if you suspect your spouse or your spouse’s lawyer might attempt to get more than their fair share through the divorce, the mediator will help keep things civil and fair.
The mediation process is confidential, allowing for more discretion. With no court there to track, record, and document every statement, you and your spouse can feel uninhibited and capable of saying whatever you need to say without worrying that someone might hold it against you later in the process. All notes from the mediator are usually disposed of after every session, for instance.
Mediation puts the divorcing couple in complete control of the process. In other words, you are making all the decisions; no judge or court is intervening in your decisions for your divorce settlement, at least not during the mediation itself.
Better relationships all around. You will be able to get along better with your spouse after your marriage ends if you can come to a fair and amicable agreement for divorce through mediation. In addition, your children will not feel as negative about the divorce process. They will not experience as much stress, especially if you and your ex-spouse end up getting along well.
Contact a DuPage County Divorce Mediation Lawyer
If you are planning on getting a divorce and you and your spouse think you could benefit from mediation as opposed to going to court, consider reaching out to an experienced Wheaton family law attorney. Call A. Traub & Associates today at 630-426-0196 to schedule an initial consultation. Our skilled legal team has substantial accreditations and experience working as legal mediators in a variety of cases that could provide you with the compromises you need for a fair divorce or another legal matter.