Your Responsibilities in the Divorce Process
Hiring an attorney to handle your divorce can be among the best decisions you will ever make. However, hiring an attorney and not investing yourself in the process can be among the worst decisions you will ever make. Divorce, obviously, can be very difficult under the best of circumstances, but by being an active participant along with your lawyer, you may find the effort to be reflected in the final result.
During your initial consultation and meetings, your attorney will likely ask you to take responsibility in certain areas. Doing so can make the entire process easier and more efficient, no matter the challenges that your case presents. Whether explicitly requested or not, your attorney will appreciate that you:
- Communicate with Your Lawyer: Your attorney is a legal professional, not a mind-reader. You must understand what your goals and values are and communicate that to your lawyer so that you are working in the same direction. In addition, maintain regular contact and provide pertinent personal updates throughout the process. A clear understanding of your situation can help your attorney best represent your position.
- Be Organized: This includes keeping records of the divorce proceedings, as well as carefully organizing financial statements or other documentation necessary to the process. Handing your attorney a stack of jumbled papers rather than an itemized list of expenses and income, for example, does not do anyone any good.
- Show Up and Be on Time: At this particular point in your life, your divorce needs to be a high priority. Skipping appointments with your attorney is not a good idea, while being late for or missing scheduled court proceedings can be devastating to your intentions for the case.
- Comply with All Court Orders: Whether they are related to child custody, support, or anything else, an order from the court must be obeyed. Failure to do so can have a serious impact on the ultimate outcome of your divorce.
- Pick Your Battles: You may be inclined to fight over every detail with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, and while you may be legally entitled to do so, prioritizing what is most important to you may be a better option. Be willing to let certain things go and focus your energy on the most critical issues. The process will often move faster, resulting in lower stress in addition to lower attorneys’ fees and court costs.
- Be Respectful: Do your best to maintain a high level of civility at all times. This includes the court staff, attorneys, and even your spouse, no matter how difficult it may be. Your approach to the case can directly impact the attitude of the court and the overall outcome of your divorce.
If you are considering divorce and would like more information about taking control of your case, contact an experienced Arlington Heights divorce attorney. At A. Traub & Associates, our compassionate legal team is prepared to work with you in providing the best professional representation available. Call us today to schedule your initial consultation.