Chicago Expands Domestic Violence Pilot Program
The Chicago Police Department responds to almost 500 domestic violence calls every day. In 2013, approximately 1,500 of those calls involved aggravated domestic battery, where the abuser attacked his or her victim with a gun, knife, or other dangerous weapon.
The City of Chicago recently expanded a pilot domestic violence program that has been in effect since last year. The program takes a more proactive response approach by police, prosecutors and social services agencies and providers.
The program was first introduced to the Chicago Police Department’s 14th Division. The aim of the program is to enable law enforcement to identify households which may be at an elevated risk of domestic violence and serious injuries in order to coordinate a rapid response. An assessment form was developed which asks questions that help determine if a victim is at elevated risk of injury. Patrol officers use these assessment forms when responding to domestic violence calls. If the victim’s answers indicate a serious risk, the department has put protocols in place which activates an immediate investigation.
Those victims determined to be at elevated risks are forwarded to the State&s Attorney Targeted Abuser Call (TAC). This program includes priority prosecution of certain type of offenders.
The Chicago PD says more than 2,000 of their officers have also received enhanced training on domestic violence response. New techniques for interviewing victims, serving protection orders and learning to understand the psychological effects of domestic violence are all topics which are covered in the new training.
In a statement announcing the program’s expansion, Department of Family and Support Services Commissioner Evelyn Diaz said, "Our shared goal is to break the cycle of violence, and this program and this partnership have been an important step forward."
If you are in an abusive marriage or relationship, it is critical to get away from your abuser. Contact an experienced Arlington Heights family law attorney for assistance with a domestic violence order of protection.