How to Recognize Domestic Violence
On June 11, 2016, Americans woke up to a tragic news story: 49 individuals were killed by a gunman in an Orlando nightclub. In the wake of this horrific event, there has been much speculation as to the character of the individual responsible for the deaths. In addition to his possible ties to the terrorist organization ISIS, the gunman has a history of domestic violence against his ex-wife. Reports have been emerging in which she says that her husband was both physically and mentally abusive to her prior to their 2009 divorce. He reportedly beat her out of anger when the household chores were not done and barred her from talking to her friends and family. She also said he withheld her paychecks and refused to allow her money. Scared and alone at the hands of her abuser, the woman’s family helped her escape the toxic marriage.
What Does Domestic Violence Look Like?
Unfortunately, these circumstances are not unique. Over four million women are physically abused by a spouse or significant other every year. The Huffington Post reports that on average one out of four women are victims of violence at the hands of a partner. Domestic violence can take many forms. In addition to physically hurting a victim, abusers will often:
- Control what the partner does on a daily basis;
- Prevent the partner from talking with or meeting friends and family;
- Make accusations of disloyalty against his/her partner in an attempt to further control them;
- Make threats of physical violence against the partner’s loved ones;
- Prohibit access to money to money or means of transportation;
- Force the partner into unwanted sex;
- Trivialize the partner’s feelings; and
- “Gaslight” the partner by denying that past abuse has happened or attempting to manipulate the memory of the partner.
Men Can Be Victims Too
When the terms domestic violence or spousal abuse are mentioned, a woman is often pictured as the victim. However, 15% of domestic violence reports are filed by men. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that one out of four men are also victims of domestic violence. Women are capable of the same abusive tactics as men. Unfortunately, men are often hesitant to report abuse for fear of appearing weak or not understanding the resources that are available to them.
Domestic violence is often detrimental to a marriage. If you are considering divorcing an abusive spouse, contact the compassionate and experienced family law attorney in Lombard for help with your case. Schedule your confidential consultation at A. Traub & Associates today.